Wednesday, January 29, 2020

When Darkness Struck Essay Example for Free

When Darkness Struck Essay It was past your curfew late one night and you were on your way home. While you were in the lift with a neighbour, it came to a complete halt suddenly. Based on the above information, write a composition of about 150 words. In your composition, make use of the points below: †¢ How did you feel? †¢ What did your neighbour do? †¢ What happened in the end? You may reorder the points. You may also include other relevant points. I looked at my watch. Oh no! It was 10 pm and it was way past my curfew. I sighed. Who cares? I have to work overtime. ‘Ok, everyone you may pack up for the day. Sorry to hold you guys in,’ said the boss. My heart rejoiced. Finally, peace and freedom! I took the public bus home to my flat. I walked briskly towards the lift lobby as I pressed the lift button. Mr Chan, my next-door neighbour, was waiting for the lift, too. We smiled at each other. ‘Working overtime again?’ he asked. I nodded. The lift door opened. We walked into the lift together. While the lift was moving up, it suddenly halted, the lights went out, the entire lift went pitch dark. Fear crept onto me as I felt my way to Mr Chan and asked,’ What should we do?’ ‘Don’t worry, I will try possible ways for help,’ Mr Chan replied as he felt for the emergency button and pressed it. To our dismay, it did not work due to the blackout. Next, Mr Chan tried the second attempt. He felt around his pocket to look for his mobile phone. With that, he dialed to the engineer rescuers. A few minutes later, the lift door cracked open. I could saw the glimpse of light outside. I thanked Mr Chan and the rescuers for their help. Mr Chan and I walked home together, then we split into different routes to our doors respectively. I could see Mr Chan’s wife, Mrs Chan, standing by the front door, waiting for him anxiously. On the other hand, my mother was waiting for me. When she saw me, she asked, ‘Where did you go? I was about to call to your office venue!’ ‘There was a blackout in the lift.  Luckily Mr Chan was with me, or I would still be stuck in the lift by now,’ I replied. This reassured my mother, as we walked into our house, getting ready for the night. I saw a piece of paper on the coffee table. It was written to me by Mrs Chan. It said: Dear Carine, There’s a curfew today from 10pm onwards. Residents are not to use the lift, for they might encounter problems such as blackouts. I would like to remind you so that you could tell your boss about the curfew at your estate when you reached your working venue so that he can release you earlier. Your neighbour, Mrs Chan I was about to sleep for the night after changing my clothes when I heard ‘Carine, Mrs Chan left you a note this morning. Have you seen it?’ I sighed, with a smile on my face. There goes my mother again, who only tells people after they have seen it.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Lucas: King Of Film :: essays research papers fc

Lucas: King of Film Whether it be through his epic Star Wars saga, or through the exalted special effects crew he pioneered, Industrial Light and Magic, he continues to amaze audiences world wide. His name in synonymous with famous directors/producers in the world. His impacts reach out in more fields than just film. He has created companies that produce award winning video games, toy companies produce action figures designed after characters from his movies, many books by many authors based on his original film stories, and countless other wings of Lucas' reign exist in today's world. Since his youth, George Lucas has experienced many influences, which in turn push him to make the greatest contributions to the film industry which leave an ever increasing impact on film today and the world. Throughout history, it is apparent that those who are recognized as "great ones" were influenced in some way or another to become the leader who they are. In George Lucas' case, he was greatly influenced in his late teens and early twenties. Lucas claims to have chased girls and raced cars throughout high school, and barely made it through (Moritz 258). Soon after high school, Lucas attended Modesto Junior College in California and continued to work on cars as his main interest (Moritz 258). In Smith, Lucas is quoted saying, "I was a hell-raiser; lived, ate, breathed cars! That was everything for me"(84). Lucas even worked on pit crews for race cars when he met Haskell Wexler, who introduced him to film (Moritz 258). Eventually Lucas realized his new passion was film. Mr. Wexler helped Lucas gain admission into the University of Southern California's film department (Moritz 260). In college Lucas was the head of his film classes winning many awards and accolades. His first feature movie in college was titled THX-1138 and won his university's award for best film (Moritz 259). Lucas is also inspired by his circle of friends and fellow directors, producers, and collaborations with them. With the success of THX-1138 at the university, Lucas was awarded the chance to be an observer on the set of Finian's Rainbow directed by University of Southern California alumnus Francis Ford Coppola (Champlin 7). Soon the two began to chat, and then became friends, so Coppola let Lucas work for him on the movie. With his hard work, Lucas earned the respect of Coppola who in turn did Lucas the favor of convincing producers to let Lucas direct a major motion picture (Moritz 7). Lucas' first major motion picture was American Graffiti, with this film Coppola had given Lucas the chance to make a foothold in the film industry, and he certainly did.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Jaguar

The Jaguar 1. It implies that the apes admire their fleas and are to lazy tp do anything about them, where as you would think that they would want rid of the fleas because they would surely be bothered by them. 2. The simile gives me a dramatic picture of the parrots as by saying ‘shriek as if they were on fire' gives me the image of the being very load and frantic. 3. The figure of speech in line three is a simile and suggests to me that the parrots were flaunting themselves ‘like cheap tarts', woman who want to attract attention. 4. ‘Tiger and lion lie still as the sun'.This simile gives me a picture of the tigers and lions laying still and not moving very often. 5. The figure of speech used here is a metaphor and gives me an image of an ancient creature that used to live millions of years ago. 6. The word is ‘shriek' because it makes me think of the birds making loud noises. ‘Fatigued with indolence' gives me the impression that the tigers and lions a re very lazy and do not have the effort to do anything. ‘Stink of sleepers from the breathing straw' gives a very strong impression that the animals are very un-hygienic and are not clean. . Most of the animals are very lazy and motionless. 8. The poet uses commas more often to make the reader read quicker and therefor fastening the pace of the poem. The commas are also used to create tension and excitement. 9. The writer says that the jaguar is ‘hurrying and also the he ‘spins' from the cage bars, showing me that the jaguar is very fast paced and frantic. 10. The language technique used is alliteration which is having words beginning with the same letter following one another. 11.I choose the 2nd and 3rd lines from the last verse, these lines suggest to me that the jaguar feels like he is still in the wild and still in control. The poet mentions the ‘wilderness of freedom' to remind us of the wilderness from where the jaguar came. 12. Ted Hughes gives me the impression that he likes the jaguar because the jaguar still acts as if it is in the wild. 13. My feeling on the jaguar is that it still has not given up as the writer tells me that ‘over the cage floor the horizons come' giving me the impression that the jaguar is imagining still being in the wild and free

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Recruitment Leadership and Development Needs Essay

Unit 14 Working with and Leading People Assessment Activity Front Sheet This front sheet must be completed by the learner (where appropriate) and included with the work submitted for assessment. Learner Name Date Issued Hand in Date Assessor Name Submitted on Qualification QCF BTEC HNC/HND Business Unit 14 Working With and Leading People Assignment 1 will give learners the opportunity to achieve: Learning Outcome 1 – Be able to use recruitment, selection and retention procedures Learning Outcome 2 – Understand the styles and impact of leadership Learning Outcome 3 – Be able to work effectively in a team Learning Outcome 4 – Be able to assess the work and development needs of individuals. Learning Outcomes 1 To achieve the criteria†¦show more content†¦You are encouraged to use a host organisation or a job situation with which you are familiar to simulate the role of a manager. Otherwise, your relevant own work experiences may be able to provide you with the evidence which you need to complete this assignment. Task 1 – Explore recruitment, selection and retention procedures You will need to produce a report which identifies the key issues involved in recruitment and selection and to produce docum ents which contribute to the selection process, including a person specification and job description. This provides evidence for 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Task 2 – Evaluate leadership You are required to prepare a report or power point which evaluates theories and styles of leadership and helps the reader understand best practice in terms of communication, empowerment, motivation and the promotionShow MoreRelatedThe Boys Girls Clubs Of America1385 Words   |  6 Pagesmore than 1,140 independent organizations and national organizations, the headquarters, service centers, development programs and services, etc. According to the President of the BGCA, Spillett (2016) claims that there are more than 50,000 employees and 200,000 volunteers that work for the BGCA. The BGCA is a large organization; however there is a limited number of workers in head leadership positions. The BGCA has been in existence for over a century which suggests that their practices, policiesRead MoreUnit 14 Working with and Leading People1161 Words   |  5 Pagesis a key factor. 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